About Us

Sabrina Chiu


從小喜愛藝文的Sabrina 於台灣大學就讀期間曾多次獲得獎助金前往西班牙、土耳其、亞洲各國交流,對表演藝術多有涉獵,於北京大學就學期間師事編舞家及中西舞蹈文化史學者佟家佳老師。 2011年踏入探戈世界,不遺餘力地參與演出、主辦舞會。2012年開始與Jason合作教學並參與多次公開表演。2014年前往阿根廷進修西文及探戈,師事國寶級探戈大師Graciela Gonzalez、Susana Miller& Maria Plazaola。現於大台北地區開設同名教室並舉辦常規舞會。

Dancer, Writer, Event Planner, HR Consultant.Sabrina has a varied background in performing art and dance. She started Tango in 2011 and fell in love with the intuitive feeling of the dance. In 2014 she traveled to Argentina, where she found her philosophy in Tango. Her dance quality and musicality was profoundly influenced by Tango master Graciela Gonzalez, Susana Miller and Maria Plazaola. Now Sabrina is a premier Taipei tango teacher giving classes and hosting Milonga weekly.

Jason Jian

Jason 在2008年於台灣大學開始學習阿根廷探戈,在2010年時遠渡探戈故鄉阿根廷向多位國寶級大師如Natacha Poberaj、Geraldine Rojas深研探戈,並被當地著名的探戈教室Tango Escuela Carlos Copello授予榮譽狀。回國後協助台大探戈社的多項公開演出、編舞和教學。2011年開始於台北市知名舞蹈教室公開教授團體課與私人課。

Jason began his obsession with Tango in 2008. He was encouraged by Natacha Poberaj, Geraldine Rojas in 2010 when studying Tango in Argentina, also honored by Carlos Copello, a famous Tango dancer and Maestro, at his studio. In 2011 Jason stated teaching and choreographing Tango at some famous studios in Taipei.

Jason and Sabrina now are professional Tango dancers, choreographers and give regular classes in Taipei.

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